Our home environments are critical to our well-being.  However, a cluttered, disorganised home is often a reality in our busy lives.

Sometimes life challenges, like an accident or an illness, can lead to things getting out of hand.  Or what worked for us in the past now no longer fits with our current lifestyle.

Life changes (such as children leaving home, a new baby, death of a spouse/loved one or divorce) do not necessarily translate into changes in the way that our homes are organised, so adjustments may be needed.

Receiving furniture or other items from family, or just an accumulation of things over the years, can also reduce the functionality of our homes.

I help you to assess how your home is currently working for you, manage the process to reduce the clutter, and put in place systems that will help you to achieve the home life you desire.




An assessment of your home or a particular room or space that is not functioning as you would like.


  • We plan your home space to mesh with your current life situation and lifestyle.
  • This may require changes to how certain rooms are used and how furniture is arranged to make your home function better.
  • If you prefer, I can prepare a room-by-room home organisation plan for you to implement.


  • We sort through each room together, with you deciding what to keep, give away, sell, recycle or discard.
  • I bring all the necessary rubbish and recycling bags and boxes to facilitate the process.
  • Your donated items are taken away to a charity, free of charge.


  • I help you to organise your belongings and introduce systems that will help your home to function better.
  • This may require the purchase of new furniture or organising products, but most times my clients have what they need but just aren’t using them well.


  • Any room in the house including the kitchen, bedrooms and study
  • Wardrobe organising
  • Your paperwork, computer and photographs
  • Homework zones
  • Home offices
  • Garages and storerooms
  • Collections e.g. books, wine
We also offer home organisation plans for clients to implement themselves.